
Friday, December 5, 2014

Growing up. And Happy birthday!!

So it's her 7th birthday which just makes my 18years feel old. I think back to when I was younger and my birthday was the biggest thing. I think of how I just wanted to grow up. And now, how I wish I was little. I think of no worries (which to be honest makes me think of Lion King and other Disney movies) I think of playing and of never planning my next day, never worrying that this or that cost to much. And honestly I wish that back. No decisions! Whos with me?!?! No?

 I feel like Peter Pan.
"I shall never grow up Wendy, Never!"   

But my Dad smiles as he says "So, what are you going to do?" And I remember that while he still guides me  (thank goodness!) I'm to the point where I need to make my own decisions, my own plans, my own way. 
I won't be alone, God, My parents, family they are all there for me. And while some hold on tighter, others let go...And theres that one who is pushing you telling you that you have to make your own decisions and decide what to do with your life and get married and so on and so on.... We don't really listen to them. 
And I talk about traveling and they ask where? Or when?  Or why not? 
This part is hard. Grownup, not grownup... Not really balanced... But to soon, I will be really grownup and not have my parents to make the final decision, only a suggestion. 

Not really looking forward to it, not really...  

But it does remind me to slow down and be thankful for everyday. Because life is fleeting. 

So Happy Birthday Eli! And I have something to tell you, since you wont understand this yet and you would interrupt me and ask a million questions while I said it, I'm going to write it here.
 Cherish the moment, the day. Don't grow up to fast, enjoy being little! Sing loudly, love boldly and never be afraid to do what you know is right! Because one day you'll be sitting in my place and sad that you wished away childhood.

Life is Fleeting~